Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Car Battery 550 Watts For 5 Hours

Classifieds ended Herbert

flight to Wroclaw today. I conclude with a meeting and I have half an hour to the return flight. Instead of a taxi ride to the airport with Paul Sowa, we only have one hour to pogadanie but good and that. Good news, the wedding is cut. Seven thousand feet above the ground when the outside only -53 deg C, I read the outstanding newspapers. In my opinion a few weeks before Sculptures interview with Archbishop Michalik and it will interesting thought: "Cardinal Wyszynski used to say, and it is important to me at all that to preach a lie, you need staff people. To proclaim the truth, just one man. Everyone has an obligation to try to be the one. " This beautiful piece of ordinance in harmony with the march rambler that HR "should above all to love the truth" and will "humbly seek the truth in all things and willingly serve it."

While we're at such a high pitch, we quote the best poem of Herbert, whose passage last was aloud on the anniversary Smolensk disaster. I remember him well from my work final award. This poetry is strong. Zbigniew Herbert

Envoy of Mr Cogito

Go where the others went to the dark end
the golden fleece of nothingness your last prize

go straight among those who on their knees with their backs turned
among overthrown in the dust and

survived not in order to
lives have little time you have to give testimony

be brave when reason fails to be brave
ultimately the only thing that counts

a powerless let your anger will be like the sea whenever you hear the voice
humiliated and beaten

do not let you leave your sister Scorn
informers executioners cowards for - they will win
go to your funeral with relief will throw a lump of woodworm
write your resume uładzony

and do not forgive truly not
in your power to forgive in the name of those betrayed at dawn beware

pride, however, unnecessary
watch in the mirror his face clown
repeat: I was called - were not there better

beware of dryness of heart
love the morning spring the bird with an unknown name the winter oak light on a wall
splendor of the sky
they do not need your warm breath
are there to say: no one will console you

vigilant - when the light on the mountains gives the sign - get up and go until
Blood turns in the breast your dark star

repeat old incantations of humanity fables and legends because this
get the good you do not get
repeat great words repeat them stubbornly like those
walked through the desert and perished in the sand

and reward you for it what are the
hand lashing laughter murder in the trash

go because the only way you'll be accepted into the group of cold skulls
among your ancestors: Gilgamesh Hector Roland the defenders
kingdom without limit and
city of ashes Be faithful Go

Monday, April 25, 2011

Birthday Cake Hairstylist


"Counselor, something rarely last write, why do not you write more? "- A good friend asks me. Well, the crowd are all sorts of topics. It also shows a lot of outstanding idly waiting in line for his fifteen minutes or half an hour, when one night, probably roughly the twenty-third mate on the so-called patron. Writing hunger finally worn dosiądzie home laptop. Why, why? Well, lately mecenasuje intensely. And the projects interesting and important, and difficult lot. And two close associates to leave long before the exam and radcowskim lawyer. It is three months removed from the biography, trauma in the life of a lawyer. And the company is developing, it's hard to keep up with recruiting. And family something so intensely, painfully. The two youngest daughters are becoming louder, and still szczebioczą something between them wykłócają. Peter begins to walk at night do not know why popłakuje, and it turns out that in contrast to all other family members, fellow patron is characterized by extremely vigilant sleep. Even I wanted to write this post, but I thought, and how to accurately write something, it's even large families to frighten people. It's really great, really, but you can not hide, sometimes you can be pretty tired.

But now Christmas is. Lovely, optimistic, and deeply sacred. Figuring Messori, way overdue to finish this book. Messori says that God makes himself known at the same time hiding from us. "An embarrassing defeat death on the cross is made public, in front of everyone. Meanwhile, Glory of the Resurrection takes place at night, without witnesses, and the Risen Lord appears only friends. " God expects us to faith. "Religious tolerance is a logical and necessary result of their faith in God, who decided not to impose, but to offer, leaving traces, indications, signs, interior and mysterious movements of the soul."

On Saturday, there is nothing we handle, no rebounds, clusters, or replacing, no games or league or junior Legion, I need not mention shoes, or buy the jacket, I'm not going shopping, do not pick up children from birth with colleagues or friends, do not drink coffee with his parents jubilarian small, not clean up papers, do not do transfers of outstanding accounts telephone, did not digest the briefcase, not helping the English, nor French, neither in nature nor in the Polish language, not even in mathematics, do not scan for information about Toruń presentation for Meli, nor do I check Stasia presentations of Real Madrid, Barcelona or the . In a word - family integration. We go to the basket all, Martin has repeatedly taken out and put back eggs into a basket. Something I explained, nodding, but excuse me, just do not remember what it was about. Then, looking for candy in the church, patiently explain that the store is closed to the press today. Bids farewell to the sweeping, people smile. We talk on the way to the starszakami, such a subgroup, because Marta Mela rushing somewhere in the front. This evening was a group of Eva bravely taking part in parish liturgy until 23.30. The second group while asleep at home, and its representative is gearing up for Resurrection.

Sunday is full of meetings. C. uncle had a son, Thomas will be his name. Good name, patrons galore, and Aquinas, the smartest and most humble, and More, a great mind and valiant spirit ai sharp wit, and Beckett, first companion lives binge and then the defender of the king and martyr of the Church (recently watched a film about him, curious) Finally, the apostle, that is not unfaithful, just inquisitive. On the way to my brother joking in the car that my uncle probably happy with the birth of a son that now parades in a white shirt every day. Such a joke, my brother always rather avoid such an outfit. We call, the door opens and the door of a happy father. The white shirt -;).

Saturday, April 23, 2011

225/65r17 Tyres Malaysia Yokohama

Christ is risen! It really changes everything!

all my friends and readers of the blog I wish to feel deep joy on the ground every day.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Heart Gold Cheats Desmume

rebellious AD 2011

Bohdan Cywinski in the introduction to the new edition of his famous book "Genealogies of the Indomitable:

" humble, which I wrote, fought for Poland for honest men, for the working people, and above all - for Poland, independent and truly independent. (...) The Polish political life every day offends our sense of justice and the need to publicly preached the truth, the honest citizen does not feel effectively defend against someone else's dishonesty to him by a friendly state. (...) Polish daily needs of people suddenly able to adopt an attitude of service. Incorruptible and rebellious people. (...)

Independent country we continuously for 21 years. This is the second such two decades years ... more than 300 Yes, it's no mistake in the account - in 1710 Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth has really not been an independent country. This chronological arithmetic tells us something about our "steadfast a "political existence and veracity of the slogans of its safety. In this regard, do not believe anyone's guarantees. We live in a political bulwark and we should not forget that. For Russia, we first troublesome roadblock on the route to Europe, and secondly - the eternal rebel firebrand waking habits of different nations against the Moscow or petersburskiemu empire. For Western Europe, in turn, we land borderland, which is good to have, but which can not be treated as an integral and essential to the life of the whole organism in which the defense had only limited interest in investing forces and resources. So would visit, we are occasionally, and we will visit the subject of tenders. The first negotiations on the Polish partition took place between Ivan the Terrible and the emperor in 1570, and the latter of which we know - at Yalta and Potsdam. (...) Cynically and intelligently written about this at the end of the 20s French nationalist Bainville, arguing that the idea of \u200b\u200bself-determination of nations in Europe can be applied so long as Russia is still weak - and not a year longer. The history of the entire twentieth century, fully admitted he was right. The proposal raises the obvious: the map of Europe is no place for weak Poland and the meek - only Poland to remain strong and politically independent.

But this only manage to Poland to fight the people psychologically and ideologically rebellious. "