rebellious AD 2011
Bohdan Cywinski in the introduction to the new edition of his famous book "Genealogies of the Indomitable:
" humble, which I wrote, fought for Poland for honest men, for the working people, and above all - for Poland, independent and truly independent. (...) The Polish political life every day offends our sense of justice and the need to publicly preached the truth, the honest citizen does not feel effectively defend against someone else's dishonesty to him by a friendly state. (...) Polish daily needs of people suddenly able to adopt an attitude of service. Incorruptible and rebellious people. (...)
Independent country we continuously for 21 years. This is the second such two decades years ... more than 300 Yes, it's no mistake in the account - in 1710 Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth has really not been an independent country. This chronological arithmetic tells us something about our "steadfast a "political existence and veracity of the slogans of its safety. In this regard, do not believe anyone's guarantees. We live in a political bulwark and we should not forget that. For Russia, we first troublesome roadblock on the route to Europe, and secondly - the eternal rebel firebrand waking habits of different nations against the Moscow or petersburskiemu empire. For Western Europe, in turn, we land borderland, which is good to have, but which can not be treated as an integral and essential to the life of the whole organism in which the defense had only limited interest in investing forces and resources. So would visit, we are occasionally, and we will visit the subject of tenders. The first negotiations on the Polish partition took place between Ivan the Terrible and the emperor in 1570, and the latter of which we know - at Yalta and Potsdam. (...) Cynically and intelligently written about this at the end of the 20s French nationalist Bainville, arguing that the idea of \u200b\u200bself-determination of nations in Europe can be applied so long as Russia is still weak - and not a year longer. The history of the entire twentieth century, fully admitted he was right. The proposal raises the obvious: the map of Europe is no place for weak Poland and the meek - only Poland to remain strong and politically independent.
But this only manage to Poland to fight the people psychologically and ideologically rebellious. "
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