Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Highlites For Brn Hair

Szczecin 1987

Yesterday I wrote about JP2 personality traits that result in particular. He was a wonderful man who lived life to the fullest. But perhaps a more important thing: thousands of written words, tons of wisdom, the documents that will remain forever in Magisterium of the Church. Many homilies citations where generations have grown up. From primary school I remember the text of Westerplatte that everyone should have. Several years later, during the second Polish trip to Vezelay, read as a read Veritatis Splendor. During the courtship of future wife, among others "Love and Responsibility", of course, from the time przedpapieskich, but what power. One of my fellow students during the papal pilgrimage to the Polish pope rode like a madman from city to city. A few weeks ago, fast-car radio channels and suddenly come across JP2 homily. I am struck by a fragment heard. Googling and I remembered the phrase: Szczecin June 11, 1987. Take a look:

"A couple, kneeling before the altar on their wedding day, saying:" Do not forsake you until death. " So the husband says to his wife and the wife to her husband. So say the time, the majesty of the living God. To Christ.

Do these words do not resonate deeply with the others: "By the end he loved?"

Certainly, dear brothers and sisters, here there is a profound convergence and uniformity. The sacrament of marriage stems from the root of the Eucharist. Stems from the Eucharist and leads to it. Human love "until death" must be deeply zapatrzeć in the love with which Christ loved to the end. The love of Christ must somehow make its action to address content on marriage vows: "I swear to you love, faithfulness and honesty in marriage, and I will not leave until his death."
Dear brothers and sisters! What is needed is a thorough preparation to marriage as a great sacrament. must turn to come back to the sacred texts of the liturgy of the sacrament of marriage, Mass. Suite, Mass. on the occasion of marriage, read them, ponder ... These are the words of life.

(...) reading today is taken from the Epistle to the Colossians.
can say that there we find a succinct, but also very important instruction on how to build a community of marriage and family. How can it build a whole dimension of life, while - as day.

Apostle teaches that love is "bond" (Col 3, 14), is like a life-giving center, which, however, have systematically and persistently "obudowywać" the entire proceeding. At various points this apostolic virtues of the text, on which depends the stability and, moreover, the development of love between spouses. He writes that: "Put on compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience, bearing with one another and forgive one another, if he had anyone complaint against another: the Lord forgiven you, so you "(Col 3, 12-13).

What is concrete? The Apostle is married life before the eyes of his day, two thousand years ago, but the people of our century may be in the same well-found.

Marriage - a community of life. It's home. It's work. This concern for children. It also shared the joy and entertainment. Did the Apostle does not recommend that we "admonish one another" and "full of the spirit of the songs, singing to God in our hearts" (Col 3: 16)? If he were speaking about singing Christmas carols in Polish home.

family according to God's plan is a sacred place and sanctifying. To guard the sanctity of the Church has always and everywhere, but specifically wants to be close to my family, when this community of life and love, and the ark of the covenant with God, whether it is threatened from within, or - as is unfortunately often the case today - from the outside . And the Church in our country faithfully stands on the side of the family, on the side of her real good, even if sometimes in itself is not of sound understanding. Not only preaches with love, but with firmness revealed the teaching on marriage and family, not only reminds her of the duties and rights but also responsibilities of others, especially the obligations of society and the state towards the family, also seeks to continuously develop the pastoral care needs, whose goal is to help the moral Christian family. I may be the presence and sensitivity is due mainly to the evils that threaten the family, still called the evil, sin is still called sin, perversion - perversion, that there used to be here, as sometimes happens in the modern world, construct a theory to justify evil and evil good naming.

There is no efficient way for the rebirth of the society, its rebirth through healthy families.
A family that is the first school of social virtues, needed all societies "(Declaration on Christian education, 3), is now a threat. We know it all. is threatened from outside and inside. I need to about this threat, saying their fate, they wrote, spoke by video or social media not only those who - like say - "Have the right to life, to happiness and fulfillment, but also the rights of victims of this fortified selfishness. need to speak about the betrayed, deserted and abandoned wives, to say the men abandoned. By speaking about the lack of true love, hurt at the beginning of life in his personality and doomed to spiritual lameness kids, children put public institutions to foster - but ... children's home which can replace a real family? must spread the voice of the victims - victims of selfishness and "fashion" permissiveness and moral relativism ; victims of deprivation, living and housing. "Therefore the Church - the words of the Exhortation Familiaris Consortio - openly and strongly defends the rights of the family against the intolerable usurpations of society and state institutions" (cf. 46).


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