Ms. Magda, the first lady would say - Magda Jethon
publisher: The ISBN: 83-85586-09-1 number of pages: 222 Dimensions: 12.5 x 19 , 5 cm Cover: soft Ladies and gentlemen, I'll tell you the first. This book is confusing. On the surface, may seem book for those who like predicament in which people that fall into the candlestick. But this is not the thing for someone like that, because all these stories in her well (and often outright concert) to an end, not doing anyone harm. This is the last book be misleading, because suggesting that Ms. Magda is tight-lipped, in general do not interfere and no one knows, because each meet a person asks for the profession. Needless to say, everything is different. Hu »... »
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