three movies, which I should write a long time ago, while playing it in cinemas. All worth seeing. As always, after all, since these are referred to on this blog. After the turn, then.

already admired the fact that here the formation before the film hit the screens. The film is fairly faithful adaptation of the book "Long March". A bit of a shame. The history of escape from a camp for half of the world, taiga snow, heat of the Gobi desert and the Himalayas in itself is amazing. Organised by the Pole against hope. This is living proof Polish spirit, the struggle for freedom, not to submit to even the harshest conditions (it was impressed by the director Peter Weir). But the book is written in a monotone, as the chronicle of the march, it's not great literature showing emotions, dilemmas, meanders of the human soul, choices and their consequences. More or less looks like a movie, I expected a little Hollywood, "overclocking", which does not exist. However, there is nothing to linger? The film for the first time tells the story of the Gulag (what a scandal), shows a bit of a difficult truth about the fate of Polish and heroism during World War II. Excellent performances Ed Harris, Colin Farrell, the actor playing the main character and the actress playing Zosia (Polish girl who joins the fugitives.) The image should be a must for all. Ideal for hikers or team to watch in another "young" group.

Thriller based on the background of the facts. History doubted cleric sent on a course for exorcists in Rome, where the school gets a "profession" from the father of Lukas (as always brilliant Anthony Hopkins). Participates in exorcisms, in the end he carries them out. Tough thing, sometimes the skin of August. Although the ending is rather improbable fantasy film does not substantially distorts Catholic teaching about the devil. It also contains a lot of doubt the truth about the mechanisms of action of personal evil in the modern world. How is Hollywood's good to have a main character next to each other pretty actress that is in the fight against evil to the young cleric accompanied by an American journalist. Film of the kind of strong, only for adults.

hardly perceptible film in Polish cinema, but in France was megahitem, gathering more than three-million-strong audience. Picture tells the true story of the Trappist murdered by Muslim militants in Morocco in the nineties. We observe the monks and their peaceful, devoted to God and to people's lives, woven into the daily work and prayers. It is the people of absolute humility, who knows if these monks prayer is not a hinge of the world. Gradually, the atmosphere thickens, fathers begin familiar with the idea that they may threaten to martyrdom. At first they rebel, some want to leave, then if they agree with that eventuality, but try to avoid the sacrifice of human resources. The martyrs are usually not masochists, but people who want to live, loving life, but not at the cost of repudiation of the faith, deny the truth. There are a few good scenes, interviews with the chief abbot of militias, the last supper monks.
was very curious about this movie. History really is amazing. But the film could be better, better shot, better mounted. Better cinema craftsman wydobyĆby more dramatic, emotion and beauty. Many viewers consider these concerns as exaggerated and clinging on to. Therefore, let's finish this. The film worth watching, not with small children.
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